Background & Objective: Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) remains a diagnostic & therapeutic challenge for the clinician. This study analyses the epidemiological factor, clinical profile, predisposing factor & radiological characteristics of 41 patients of radiological confirmed cases of CVST.
Method: This study comprises 41 consecutive patients with radiologically confirmed diagnosis of CVST who were admitted to a tertiary care hospital in western Odisha for the period from January 2014 to February 2017.The diagnosis was confirmed by MRI Brain & MR Venography. The epidemiological, clinical & radiological, laboratory evaluation done & datas were recorded in a structured proforma.
Result: Total number of patients were 41.Female outnumbered males in the ratio of 29:12.The mean age of presentation was 32.1(age range 15-66 years).The most frequent predisposing factor was OCP use in females & infection & alcoholism in males. The mean duration of symptoms before presentation was 7 (+/- 3.1) days. Most common presenting feature was headache. Transverse sinus sinus was most commonly involved followed by Superior sagital sinus.
Conclusion: CVST presents with varied symptom & sign. Females were mostly affected. Headache was the most frequent symptom. OCP use in females & infection in males were the most common presenting feature.
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