Objective: The present study was undertaken to know the role of vaginal hormonal cytology, endometrial biopsy and endocrinological evaluation in the detection of ovulation and various ovulatory dysfunction.
Material & Method: A total of 34 infertile female patient were studied.
Result: On the basis of cytological finding of 34 patients, 10 patient were found to be ovulatory, 22 patients were anouvlatory (including 5 case of atrophic changes) and 2 patients were inconsistent due to inflammatory changes. Endometrial biopsy showed evidence of ovulation in 11 patients and anovulation in 23 patients. Hormonal evaluation indicated endocrinological disorders in 10 patients which may underline anovulatory infertility. In these patients, results were within normal range in rest 24 patients.
Conclusion: Vaginaland endometrial biopsy showed correlation in respect to ovulation in 91.44 % of the cases.
Keywords: Vaginal cytology, Infertility, Endometrial biopsy, Hormonal analysis.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Soma Thakur
Tutor, Department of Pathology
Sri Krishna Medical College, Muzaffarpur