Title: Laparoscopic Evaluation of Tubal Factor in Infertility
Authors: Dr Anitha M, Dr Sheila Balakrishnan, Dr Dolly John Rose
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.50
Background: Tubal factor infertility accounts for approximately 25-35% of cases of female infertility. The evaluation of the fallopian tube is necessary to determine the management plan for infertility. Tubal patency can be diagnosed by hysterosalpingography (HSG) or laparoscopy with chromopertubation. The aim of this study was to determine the role of laparoscopy in the evaluation of tubal factor in infertile women.
Methods: A prospective study was performed on 158 consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopy as part of infertility evaluation. The laparoscopic findings were documented.
Results: Of the 158 patients who underwent laparoscopy, 95 (60.1 %) patients had evidence of tubal disease as evidenced by unilateral or bilateral tubal block, peritubal adhesions, hydrosalpinx, beading of the tube and unhealthy shaggy appearance. Of the patients with tubal disease in our study, 64% had block in one or both tubes, 70% had peritubal adhesions, 13.7% had hydrosalpinx and 62.1% had unhealthy looking tubes. Of the 95 patients with tubal disease 48.4% (n=46) had evidence of endometriosis. Tubal disease was predominant in the age group 26 - 35 years, almost 75 %. Of the 95 patients with tubal disease, 61 patients (64%) had primary infertility. 77% of the patients with tubal disease were married for a period of less than 10 years.
Conclusion: Laparoscopy is an effective diagnostic tool for evaluation of tubal pathology. Laparoscopy and chromopertubation test should be recommended for all infertile patients with tubal factor. Further it enables correction , in possible cases.
Keywords: Chromopertubation, Infertility, Laparoscopy, Tubal factor.