Title: Role of Fetal Doppler Study and Non Stress Test in High Risk Pregnancy
Authors: Dr J. Bindal, Dr Km. Deepika
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i3.214
Background: Doppler identifies a prodrome of fetal disease when the decline in biophysical variables is subtle. With the combined use of USG and NST for fetal surveillance it is possible to detect both acute and chronic insults of fetus and to provide appropriate management for positive outcome.
Methodology: This is a prospective study was conducted on 100 women for a period of 1 year in Gajra Raja Medical College in Kamla Raja Hospital in all pregnant women with a gestational age > 32 weeks. Study included women with gestational age >32 weeks, PIH, Anaemia (Hb < 8 gm%), Oligohdyramnios, Gestational age > 41 weeks, Gestational DM, Chronic placental insufficiency, IUGR, Rh -isoimmunization, Maternal heart disease.
Results: Among 100 high risk pregnancies, most common high risk pregnancies observed are PIH (20%), oligo with IUGR (15%), IUGR (11%), anaemia in pregnancy (12%). Among 100 high risk pregnancies 50% pregnancies has been reached upto 37 weeks of gestation. Out of 100 women, 43 women delivered vaginally and 57 women were delivered by LSCS. Group A had best perinatal outcome with 96.875 survival rate with Apgar score < 7 at 5 min. Only in 37.5% of babies with NICU admission seen in 12.5% babies. Group D had 47.62% survival rate and maximum NICU admission (98.47%).
Conclusion: Doppler is useful in recognizing fetal compromise earlier than non stress test giving a lead time which is important in the management of preterm high risk pregnancies. NST still holds its importance in fetal monitoring because of its ease of performance to one another in fetal surveillance of high risk pregnancy.