Title: Study of Adverse Blood Donor Reactions in Normal Healthy Blood Donors in Tertiary Health Care Centre in Madhya Pradesh
Authors: Pawde Yogesh, Ramole Archana
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i3.203
Blood donation is generally a safe procedure, but sometimes adverse reactions of varying severity may occur during or at completion of blood donation process. The aim of the present study was to estimate the frequency and type of adverse events during blood donation. This retrospective study conducted from November 2016 to December 2017 at Blood Bank of Hamidia Hospital, gMC, Bhopal. All blood donations at our Department was analyzed. All adverse events occurring during or at end of donation were noted using standardized format. Overall 94 adverse events were reported in relation to 23526 donations, resulting in overall adverse event rate of 0.399 %. Presyncopal reactions in other words vasovagal reactions of mild intensity, were the most commonly observed adverse reactions and accounted for approximately 69/94 (73.40 %) of all adverse reactions noted. Only 0.399 % of blood donations were complicated by adverse events and most of these events were presyncopal symptoms. Our study reinforces that blood donation is a very safe procedure which could be made even more event free by following certain friendly, reassuring and tactful practices.
Keywords :Vasovagal reaction, Adverse Donor Reactions, Blood Donors.