Title: A Study of Clinical Pattern of Nail Changes in Patients who attended DVL OPD at Tertiary Care Centre
Authors: Micky Hijam, Renuka Satish Ashtekar, A.P.Kulkarni
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i3.163
Introduction: Nails can be called the index of inner health as they show specific changes that are markers for a wide range of systemic & dermatological disorders. The nail changes can be broadly classified as congenital, acquired (infective & non infective), traumatic and miscellaneous.
Aims and Objectives: To study the clinical patterns of nail changes and to correlate with the underlying diseases involved.
Materials & Methods: A retrospective study was conducted to determine the various nail changes of DVL OPD patients in Tertiary care hospital from January 2013 to December 2016. Study tools-Records & clinical photographs.
Statistical analysis – Percentages.
Results: Out of 55 cases studied, male to female ratio was 2:3 and nail changes were seen common in 3rd & 4th decade with maximum distal nail involvement. The commonest type is the Acquired infective type with Onychomycosis (36%) as the main cause. The acquired non infective type has Psoriasis (16%) as the commonest. The other causes of nail changes accounted in study were Congenital (11%), Traumatic (6%), Drugs induced(6%), Malignancy(2%), Renal failure(3%), Nutritional deficiency(3%) and Idiopathic(3%).
Conclusion: No cutaneous examination is complete without a careful evaluation of the nails. The study was conducted to categorise nail changes but long term descriptive study is needed to know the specific pattern of nail changes associated with dermatological and systemic conditions.
Keywords: Nails, Onychomycosis, Psoriasis.