Background: Obesity has become a health problem and nutrition of the world community in both the developed and developing countries, including Indonesia. Central obesity is one type of obesity in which fatty deposits occur in the abdomen. Central obesity is more at risk of health problems such as diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and cardiovascular disease than general obesity.
The Objective: The study aimed to analyze the risk factors for the occurrence of central obesity of government employees in the State Attorney's Office Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. The independent variables used were an emotional, mental state, fiber consumption, fat consumption, and physical activity.
Method: This study is analytic with a cross sectional design. Research using the entire population of 79 civil servants in the State Attorney's Office, Bandar Lampung and data were analyzed using Chi-square and logistic regression test.
Result: The analysis showed that factors associated with central obesity is mental emotional (p = 0.045), fiber consumption (p = 0.004), fat intake (p = 0.000) and physical activity (p = 0.041) and the predominant risk factor associated with central obesity is physical activity (p = 0.011; OR = 10.66).
Conclusion: The significant relationship factors with the occurrence of central obesity are an emotional mental state, fiber consumption, fat consumption and physical activity. Further, the most dominant factor is the physical activities necessary to the health and nutrition examination regularly.
Keywords: central obesity, government employees, mental, emotional, physical activity.
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Corresponding Author
Dewi Sri Sumardilah
Department of Nutrition, Minister of Health Polytechnic Tanjung Karang, Indonesia
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