Title: A Study to Assess the Factors Determining the Complete and Partial Immunization among Infants in Guwahati
Authors: Dr Prabhat Singh Baghel, Dr Aditi Singh, Dr Ishan Verma
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i3.80
A cross sectional study conducted to assess the factors influencing the immunization of children between twelve to twenty three months at medical college Guwahati from Jan 2014 to July 2014. Results observed were socioeconomic status and literacy status of parents are important determinant. Hindus being better immunized (67%) compared to other religions, family size and number of children is inversely related to immunization coverage (25% for 4th child). Instituitional deliveries have a positive impact (65.3% and 80.9%). Conclusion- to reach the target level of immunization coverage social evils like gender bias and religious barriers need to be overcome. Educational opportunities should be made universal with improvement in employments resulting in better socioeconomic status of the community. To increase awareness about need and benefits of family planning is the central pillar in achieving complete immunization coverage.