Stroke is a global epidemic and an important cause of morbidity. Stroke or cerebrovascular accident is defined as abrupt onset of focal Neurological deficit which is attributable to a focal vascular cause. Ischemic stroke include large vessel Ischemic stroke and lacunar stroke.
Aim: To prove that incidence of lacunar stroke is more (>50%) in ischemic stroke and to find out any difference between risk factors for lacunar stroke and large vessel ischemic stroke.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study consisted of 255 patients with first episode of CT proven ischemic stroke during a period of 6 months in a tertiary care centre in south Kerala.
Results: Out of the 255 patients included in the study, 51.37% constituted lacunar stroke. Maximum number of stroke patients were in the age group 60-69 years (38% in the lacunar stroke group and 34% in the large vessel ischemic stroke group). Lacunar stroke was more in all age groups studied except 50-59 years and 80-89 years. Most common clinical presentation in both study groups were hemeparesis.65% of stroke patients were hypertensive in both groups and it was the major risk factor in both study groups.38% of large vessel ischemic stroke patients and 36% of the lacunar stroke patients were smokers which was the significant risk factor next to hypertension.
Conclusion: The study showed the incidence of lacunar stroke is more than 50% of the total ischemic stroke. Maximum number of stroke patients in the lacunar stroke group and large vessel ischemic stroke group were in the age group of 60-69 years. Most important risk factor is hypertension followed by smoking in both groups. There was no significant difference in risk factors between large vessel ischemic stroke and lacunar stroke.
Keywords: Lacunar stroke, Large vessel ischemic stroke.
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Corresponding Author
Udayamma KP
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine,
Government T D Medical College, Alappuzha, India