Title: A Study on Effect of breast feeding on morbidity pattern among infants up to 6 months of age
Authors: Dr Manish Kumar, Dr Sanjeev Kumar, Dr Ambrish Mishra, Dr Anjana Niranjan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i3.18
Introduction: Human breast milk is form of milk for the healthiest human babies. Breastfeeding promotes health, helps to prevent disease, and reduces health care and feeding costs. Madhya Pradesh has high post neonatal death rate and rate of exclusive breastfeeding practice is 21.6%.Prevalance of diarrhea is 13.2%, Acute respiratory infection 4.4% in infants < 6 months of age.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was undertaken among breast feeding mothers who attending at immunization clinic GMH, SGMH associated with medical college of Rewa city from March 2015 to February 2016. Data collection was done for 650 subjects.
Results: Most of the infants suffered from fever 49.23%.however no. of mothers complained of diarrhea and ari were similar. Maximum infants had difficulty and diarrhea in feeding due to which taken to hospital 45.5% followed by difficulty in breathing 43.7% and episode of fever 42%. Least had history of convulsion 2.7%.Among the infants who were given pre lacteals (216), 79% had diarrhea, 68% had ari, 74.6% had fever.
Conclusions: Prevalence of diarrhea, ARI, Fever was 45%, 44.92%, 49.23% respectively. Most infants have multiple episodes and more than one morbidities. Relation of these morbidities to prelacteal feed and non EBF practice was found statistically significant.
Keywords: Exclusive breast feeding, Morbidity pattern, Prelacteal feed.