Title: Clinical Study & Various Managements of Cystic Swellings in Scrotum at MNR Hospital Sangareddy, Telangana
Authors: Dr T. Rudra Prasad Reddy, Dr Harish Tirmal, Dr Arun Kumar Vasa
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i3.10
Introduction: Cystic swellings of the scrotum include a huge variety of conditions within the disease spectrum. Usually cystic swellings of scrotum are benign. It represents common surgical entity in india.
- To study incidence and predisposing factors of cystic swellings of scrotum.
- To study the different types of clinical presentation of cystic swellings of scrotum.
- To study the various treatment modalities for a given type of cystic swelling of scrotum.
Material and Methods: 200 cases of cystic swellings of scrotum, who were admitted in MNR MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL, SANGAREDDY, TELANGANA, from JULY 2015 to DECEMBER 2017 in various units in our surgical department. Cystic swellings from testis & its coverings, epididymis, spermatic cord and scrotal skin were included in this study. Inguinoscrotal swelling, varicocele, torsion of testis, filarial scrotum were excluded in this study.
Results and Conclusions: Cystic swellings of the scrotum constituted 8.06% of the total surgical admissions. Most number of cystic swellings of the scrotum was found in the age group of 25- 43years. The most common presenting symptom was a painless swelling of the scrotum (92%). Primary vaginal hydrocele is the most common cause among cystic swellings of the scrotum (70% of cases). Primary vaginal hydrocele is idiopathic in origin, secondary hydroceles were due to underlying disease of the testis and epididymis (due to tuberculous epididymo-orchitis in one case and underlying testicular tumor in another case), no predisposing factors could be found for the development of epididymal cysts, spermatoceles & encysted hydrocele of the cord. Pyocele was due to infection of hydrocele, haematocele was due to antecedent trauma, sebaceous cysts of the scrotum are due to obstruction of the duct of the sebaceous glands in the hair follicle. For primary vaginal hydroceles, Lord’s plication had less postoperative complications as compared to Jaboulay’s procedure. The mean duration of post-operative stay was 5.4 days.