Balance and muscular endurance gender-related differences are very controversial.
Objective: This study aimed at examining the difference between young adult males and females in trunk muscles’ endurance and static balance.
Method: Thirty participants (15 males and 15 females) with mean (SD) age 20.2 ± 2.2 years and BMI 30.56± 2.12 kg/m2 participated in the study. Single-limb Stance (SLS) test was used to assess the static balance. The Sorensen test of trunk extensor endurance, trunk flexor endurance test and side bridge endurance test were used to assess the endurance of trunk muscles.
Results: One way between-subject MANOVA revealed that there were non-significant (p>0.05) between-subject effects for the endurance of trunk extensors, flexors and lateral flexors in addition to the single leg stance time between males and females.
Conclusion: The findings indicate that gender has no effect on the endurance of trunk muscles and static balance in young adults.
Keywords: Gender, Trunk Muscle, Endurance, Balance.
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Corresponding Author
Abeer Farag Hanafy (Abeer F. Hanafy)
Lecturer of Biomechanics, Department of Biomechanics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University
7 Ahmed El Zaiat Street, Bein El Sarayat, Giza, Egypt
Email: abeerfarag22@gmail.com, Tel.: 01063044443