Title: A Cross Sectional Study to Evaluate the Psychosocial and Health Challenges in School Students
Author: Rajinder Kumar Sharma
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i12.158
Background: Students face many situations in school that may result in psychosocial and health problems and rather than for the school to be a source of positive socialization. The present study was aimed at determining psychosocial and health challenges in school students.
Materials & Methods: The present study is a cross sectional study conducted on 1200 students of both genders. General information such as name, age, gender, class etc was recorded. Socio-demographic data, psychosocial and health challenges and causes of psychosocial and health problems of students were noted.
Results: Out of 1200 students, boys were 625 and girls were 575. The difference was non- significant (P-0.1). Students were from age group 10-13 years (295), 14-17 year (625) and >18 years (280). The difference was significant (P-0.01).550 students were of primary and 650 were from high school. 520 students were hindu, 570 were sikh and 110 students were Christian. The difference was significant (P-0.01). Psychosocial and health challenges in students were sadness & hopeness (12), sexual harassment (300), self medication (240), bully (621), distraction (18), getting angry (480), hunger (515) and thought of committing suicide (215). The difference was significant (P-0.02). The causes of psychosocial and health problems were malnutrition in 81%, school climate in 37%, educator stressor in 95%, peer influence in 97%, abuse/neglect in 81% and cultural value in 77%. The difference was significant (P-0.01).
Conclusion: Most common psychosocial and health problems were educator stressor, peer influence and abuse/neglect. The challenges were sadness & hopeness, sexual harassment, self medication, bully, distraction, getting angry, hunger and thought of committing suicide.
Keywords: Educator stressor, Psychosocial, Peer.