The liver has a central & critical bio-chemical role in metabolism, digestion, detoxification & elimination of substances from the body. All blood from the intestinal tract initially passes through the liver, where products derived from digestion of food are processed, transformed & stored. These include amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, lipids, vitamins & minerals.
Aim: To study the best markers in the diagnosis of various liver diseases.
Materials and Methods: The present study was done in the department of General Medicine at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India. The present study was carried out on total 100 subjects aged between 40-65 years. Subjects were divided into 4 groups. 25 subjects were cirrhosis of liver and 25 were alcoholic liver disease and 25 were suffering from viral hepatitis. Control group which consist of 25 subjects who had no complain and history of liver disease.
Conclusion: Estimation of these parameters is a guide for assessment of severity of the damage to the liver as also a good prognostic value. Irrespective of the ethiology of liver estimation of these parameters substantially provides complete picture of liver disease.
Keywords: Cirrhosis of liver, Alcoholic Liver disease, Viral Hepatitis, ALP.
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Corresponding Author
Dr P.Rajeswari
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry, Fathima Institute of Medical Sciences,
Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh India
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