Objective: Asthma is chronic inflammatory disorder of lungs that affects people of all ages and is a significant source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It requires continuous medical care. Higher and unaffordable drug prices are among the major reasons for non-compliance and resultant treatment failure. The cost of drugs plays a major role in patient’s care especially in developing countries. It has been observed that there is a gross variation in the cost of different brands of same generic drug. If doctors are not aware, then they may prescribe costly brands, which ultimately lead to non-adherence. The present study was planned to get some idea about cost differences in various brands of anti-asthmatic drugs.
Methods: The minimum and the maximum cost in Rupees (INR) of a particular anti-asthmatic agent manufactured by various pharmaceutical companies in the same strength were noted from latest issue of Drug today 2017. The cost ratio and percentage cost variation were noted for each brand.
Results: This study showed a noticeable variation in the prices of anti-asthmatic drugs. The highest percent cost variation was found for Doxophylline400mg(3100%), followed Deflazacort 6mg(1300%), Methylprednisolone 4mg (1104%), Combination of Formoterol and Budesonide (444%), Salbutamol 4mg caps(363%), Theophylline and Salbutamol combination(236%), Ketotifen 1mg(217%).The lowest percent cost variations found were: Fluticasone 50mcg(0.4%), Cromolyn 20mg(2%), Formoterol12mcg(11.5%), Tiotropium 18 mcg(11.5%), Ipratropium 20mcg/200mdi(19%) etc.
Conclusion: Government should look into the pricing control policy of anti-asthmatic drugs manufactured by various companies in India, so that pricing of various brands remains uniform, quality assured and affordable. Doctors must prescribe rationally, choosing cost effective medicines based on country`s health situation.
Keywords: Anti-asthmatic Drugs, Non-Compliance, Adherence, Cost Variation, Rational.
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Rajesh S. Hiray
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