Title: Clinical Picture and Management of Head Injury- A Prospective Study
Authors: Prof. Dr Braja Mohan Mishra, Prof. Dr S.K. Mahapatra, Dr Paresh Rajan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i12.97
CT scan is an indispensable diagnostic modality and GCS as a clinically vital entity in evaluating the head injured patients and predicting their outcome. CT and GCS are also found complimentary to each other. CT most reliably demonstrates trauma related intracranial lesions and thus aid in prompt and effective management. GCS is a relevant prerequisite for further evaluation by CT and in a developing nation like India with highest incidence of head injury affecting people of all economic groups, it can cut short necessity of CT, particularly in the mild injury group as assessed by Glasgow coma scale.