Title: Association between Placental Thickness and Gestational Age
Authors: Dr Patsy Varghese, Dr Lakshmi BS
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i12.83
Background: The placenta is an organ with important endocrine, metabolic and immunologic functions. Placental formation begins in the later half of second month of pregnancy and is completed by the fourth month. Maximum growth of placenta is attained at term. Several sonographic parameters of the fetus are used to assess gestational age. Placental thickness measured at the level of umbilical cord insertion can be used as a parameter to estimate the gestational age of fetus.
Objective: The present study was conducted to assess the relationship of placental thickness and gestational age.
Materials and Methods: 100 antenatal patients with gestational age between 16 - 40 weeks who attended the outpatient department for antenatal checkup were included in the study. Using ultrasound scan, placental thickness was measured at the level of insertion of umbilical cord.
Results: Between 20 to 32 weeks of gestation, there is almost perfect correlation between placental thickness and gestational age.
Conclusion: Placental thickness in millimeters correspond to the gestational age in weeks between 20 and 32 weeks. Placental thickness can be used as another parameter for determining gestational age in case of unknown dates in the later half of second trimester.
Keywords: Gestational age, placental thickness , Ultrasound.