Objective: to compare glycated albumin(GA) and glycated haemoglobin(HbA1C) as glycemic indicator in diabetic patients with End stage renal disease(ESRD) on haemodialysis (HD)and to assess which of the two parameters provides more accurate assessment of glycemic control.
Methodology: This is study which included 100 patients, 50 cases of diabetic ESRD patients on HD, and 50 controls of diabetic patients with normal renal function, from both the out-patient and in-patient Department of General Medicine, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore between January 2016 to June 2016. HbA1C and Glycated Albumin was compared between these groups.
Results: FBS, PPBS and GA in controls was 187±57.8mg/dl, 231.7±73.7mg/dl , 72.84±32.42ng/ml and in cases was 184±53.1mg/dl , 224.7±72.5 mg/dl, 75.20±34.7 ng/ml respectively. The difference of FBS, PPBS and GA between controls and cases was not statistically significant. However, HbA1c was significantly lower in cases (7.08±1.2) compared to controls (9.26±2.01)
Conclusion: The HbA1c levels were significantly and paradoxically lower in diabetic patients with ESRD on HD compared to diabetics with normal renal function. GA better reflected the glycemic control in these patients.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, End stage renal disease, HbA1C, Glycated Albumin, Haemodialysis.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Basanth Kumar
Associate Professor, Dept of General Medicine,
Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore