Title: Kodameae Ohmeri Fungemia in a Premature Neonate – A Case Report
Authors: Dr Ramya R, Dr Ananya Tupaki-Sreepurna, Dr Anupma Jyoti Kindo
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i12.18
Kodameae ohmeri is a yeast-like fungus and is considered as an emerging pathogen. This yeast-like fungus has been isolated previously from pleural fluid and blood samples in people with a compromised immune status such as premature infants, patients on cancer chemotherapy and diabetic patients. There is a single report of Kodameae ohmeri being isolated from an immunocompetent patient as well. This is a case report of Kodameae ohmeri isolated from a neonate who was treated for bacterial sepsis and septic ileus. Identification was made using VITEK 2 system. Gene sequencing of ITS1 region was done for confirmation. The neonate was started on Amphotericin B. The baby responded to the treatment and the subsequent blood cultures were sterile.