Title: Woke Up with Winging of Scapula: An Interesting Presentation of Parsonage Turner Syndrome
Authors: Dr Mohd Sajid Umar, Dr Kumar Jee Kaul, Dr Tanvi Kanwar, Dr Huma Parveen, Dr Tarik
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.193
A 26-year male, athletic built felt intense pain around right upper back which radiated to the right neck during night which woke him up from sleep six days back. Pain resolved spontaneously after 1 hour and patient went back to sleep, only to discover profound weakness in the movement of right upper limb along with protrusion of scapular bone in the morning. Ironically patient’s pain had resolved precipitating only weakness as discussed. There was no significant history of trauma, fever, weight loss, recent immunization, contrast administration or connective tissue disorder. Patient had no addiction and his past history and family history was unremarkable.