Title: Multiple Sclerosis with Stroke: Should it be anticipated?
Authors: Dr Harshad Rajge, Dr Rohan Yewale, Dr Mitesh Thakkar, Dr Aloke Banerjee, Dr Jaishree Ghanekar
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.178
Multiple sclerosis is an auto immune disorder of the central nervous system characterized by chronic inflammation, demyelination, gliosis and neuronal loss. The course of this disease can be relapsing-remitting or progressive. Prevalence of Multiple sclerosis as such is 0.2-0.3% and once diagnosed, patients can present with various vascular complications during the course of their illness. We report a rare case of a young middle-aged patient who was diagnosed to have multiple sclerosis (relapsing remitting variant) and within one year of diagnosis, he presented with two different complications of multiple sclerosis i.e ischaemic stroke and pulmonary thromboembolism.