Title: A Study of Abnormal Movements in ICU Patients in Rajah Muthiah Medical College
Authors: Dr J.T.Sathishkumar, Dr S.Sudharsan, Dr P.Mohanapriya
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.161
Movement disorders disrupt motor function not by causing weakness but by producing either abnormal, involuntary, unwanted movements, or by curtailing the amount of normal free flowing movement. We observed all patients admitted in ICU and video recorded 30 patients with new onset abnormal movements. In our study most common involuntary movement is tremor followed by myoclonus and seizure. Most common cause of admission associated with involuntary movement is OPC poisoning followed by fever in our study. In our study post hypoxic myoclonus was associated with poor prognosis.
Keywords: Abnormal movements, ICU, Video record.