Title: A Clinical Study on Glycemic Profile of Non Diabetic Individual with Acute Ischemic Stroke and Its Short Term Prognostic Significance
Authors: Dr Gopathiraj.R, Dr N.Chidambaram, Dr Periasamy, Dr Nanjilkumaran, Dr Indhuja.K
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.152
The association between the diabetes mellitus and its macrovascular complications like stroke had studied in many aspects before. In addition to being the risk factor for the cause of the stroke, it affects the prognosis of the affected individual by altering at the level of cellular and biochemical properties if the blood glucose reaches above certain target range .Non diabetics are also developing stroke due to various etiology and their prognosis mainly depends on the admission time blood glucose. Stress hyperglycemia that occurs due to the rise of counter regulatory hormones and fall of insulin contributes to hyperglycemia which turn leads to cellular edema and worsens the prognosis. In this study I am going to assess the non diabetic individual with acute ischemic stroke and their glycemic profile at the presentation and the short term outcome.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Stress hyperglycemia, Acute ischemic stroke.