The Aim of this study is to find the significance of Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) in Acute Ischemic Stroke. This study was conducted among 50 patients diagnosed with Acute Ischemic Stroke within 72 hours of onset of symptoms and a control group of 50 patients. Patients with Age more than 40 years and admitted with diagnosis of Acute Ischemic Stroke within 72 hours from the onset of symptoms were included in the study. Patients with Age less than 40 years, Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Diabetes Mellitus, Malignant Disorders, Platelet count below 100 and above 450 x 103 / µl and patients on Anti-Platelet drugs were excluded from the study. Our study showed a significant difference in MPV between the study group and control group with the P value of < 0.05
Keywords- Mean platelet volume, Ischemic stroke.
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Corresponding Author
Jayaram Kosalram
Postgraduate, Department of General medicine,
Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Chidambaram