Title: Classification and Distribution of Gujarati and Non Gujarati Girls According to Obesity Epidemiology: A Prevalence Study
Authors: Nita Sahi, Nidhi Ranawat, Shubham Jain
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.140
The WHO has drawn attention to fact that obesity is our modern non communicable “epidemic” that is, disease that affects population not an unavoidable attribute of aging[2]. Until recently, females were thought to be protective gender, due to their hormone, estrogen but recent data collected from American Heart Association reveals that since two decades every year globally more females die of this cause than all other causes of death combined together[9]. For this reason, we decided to study the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the girls of two communities that is Gujarati’s and Non Gujarati’s and segregated them in various groups to match the various parameters against them. The 1001 girls residing in different hostels from different colleges were selected for the study. Two groups were made and the total girls were categorized into Gujarati and Non Gujarati groups respectively. They were further classified according to categories like age, inhabitance, socioeconomic status, diet, weight, height, body mass index, Majority of our subjects were more than 20 years of age (52%). Most of them (76%) belonged to urban areas and 45% had middle socio economic status. Mainly the girls were strictly vegetarians (72%). Sixty percent total girls had a weight range of 53-65kg. Only 20% had height less than 1.52m. Forty percent were in overweight category according to body mass index with BMI range of 25-29.9Kg/m2.
Keywords: MDA, WHR, BMI, Fibre, Obesi.