Background: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's) and HIV mainly affects sexually active adolescents and young people. Young adults aged 15-29 years, account for 32% of AIDS cases reported in India and the number of young women living with HIV/AIDS is twice that of young men. The aim of the study was to evaluate students’ knowledge, perceptions and attitudes towards STIs.
Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out in two northern districts of Kerala, South India to investigate the perception, knowledge and attitude of graduate students towards sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. The self-administered questionnaire was completed by 1640 male and female students from eight arts and science colleges.
Results: More than one third of students in this study have no accurate understanding about the signs and symptoms of STIs other than HIV/AIDS. About 12.4% of respondents considered HIV/AIDS could be cured, 49% felt that condoms should not be available to youth.
Conclusion: Though controversial, there is an immense need to implement gender-based reproductive education regarding STIs, HIV and contraceptives in educational institutions in India.
Keywords: Sexually transmitted infections, Students, Young adult, Kerala.
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Corresponding Author
Dr K.P.Vasanthakumari
Associate Professor in Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
Govt. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram