Title: Perioperative Blood Transfusion in Patients Undergoing Cancer Surgery- A Clinical Study
Authors: Shipra Singh, Dr V N Vaid, Dr Pankaj Mishra, Dr K G Rao
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.113
Background: Allogenic blood transfusion is associated with several potential complications, especially in patients with cancer. The hazards of allogenic blood transfusion include transmission of infection and immunological reactions. The aim of the study was to identify the rates of perioperative blood transfusion and over transfusion in patients undergoing cancer surgery.
Materials & Methods: This study was conducted in the department of Anesthesiology in year 2015. It included 1236 patients of both genders. Information such as intra-operative blood loss and fluid therapy, blood and blood products transfused (if any) and any intraoperative investigations were recorded.
Results: Out of 1236 patients, males were 616 and females were 620. The difference was non- significant (P-1). Mean age of males were 62.2 years and females 58.7 years. Mean weight was 68.6 kg and 66.4 kg respectively. ASA status was I (males- 32%, females- 30%), II (males-18%, females- 16%), III (males- 2%, females- 2%). Hemoglobin Hb was <8 (males- 2.5%, females- 1.5%), 8-10 (males- 6%, females- 4%), >10 (males- 42%, females- 44%). Need of blood transfusion was divided into low (males- 30%, females- 34%), moderate (males- 14%, females- 16%) and high (males- 4%, females- 2%). The difference was non- significant (P> 0.05).
1 unit blood was used in 680 patients, with 65% appropriate rate and 35% over transfusion. 2 units blood was used in 412 patients, with 52% appropriate rate and 48% over transfusion. >2 units blood was used in 144 patients, with 44% appropriate rate and 56% over transfusion.
Conclusion: Blood transfusion is required in most of cancer patient surgeries. There is requirement of strict watch on amount of blood to be transfused and over transfusion.
Keywords: Blood transfusion, Infection, Immunological reactions.