Title: Comparison of New and Conventional Root Canal Irrigants and their Efficacy on Treatment Outcomes in Endodontics
Authors: S. Sree Soumya, B.G. Viswanath
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.106
Mechanical instrumentation is the core method for bacterial reduction in the infected root canal, but achieving bacteria-free root canals still proves to be difficult.2 Various studies have demonstrated that mechanical preparation with hand instruments and irrigation with saline cannot predictably eliminate the bacteria from the infected root canals.3-5 Therefore, the current focus of interest has been the use of irrigating solutions with strong antibacterial activity as the necessary supplement to mechanical preparation.
Even after meticulous mechanical procedures along with the use of irrigating solutions, some bacteria can still be recovered from the canals. The genera that most frequently persist include Enterococci, Staphylococci and Gram-negative enteric rods. Enterococcus faecalis, a Gram-positive facultative anaerobe, is commonly found in the root canals of failing endodontically treated cases.7
The persistence of these microorganisms in the root canals, even after the use of irrigating solutions suggests that the choice of the solution used is largely determined still on empirical data. There is a strong relationship between the long-term treatment success and root canal filled after negative culture in teeth with apical periodontitis. Studies reveal complete periapical healing in 94% of teeth with apical periodontitis that yielded negative culture after root canal instrumentation. In contrast, the samples with positive culture before root canal obturation had only 68% of complete periapical healing(3).
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