Title: Gitelman's Syndrome Presenting with Features of Hypomagnesemia
Authors: Dr P.Sankara Thiagarajan, Prof.Dr S.Balasubramaniyan, Dr N.Paari, Dr M.Ajeeth Fera, Dr B.Nandini Priyanka
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.96
Gitelman's syndrome is primary renal tubular hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis with hypocalciuria and magnesium deficiency. It commonly presents with muscular symptoms which reflect hypokalemia. We present a case of 65 year old female patient presenting with delirium which on evaluation revealed persistent hypokalemia. Hypokalemia work up showed hypomagnesemia, hypocalciuria and metabolic alkalosis. A diagnosis of Gitelman's syndrome was made. This case report aims at presenting the possibility of Gitelman's syndrome in patients presenting with features of hypomagnesemia.
Keywords: Gitelman, hypomagnesemia.