Acute pancreatitis is a common condition involving the pancreas. Gall stone disease and alcohol account for greater than 80% of all patients with acute pancreatitis, with biliary disease accounting for 45% and alcohol found in 35% of patients.
Aims and Objectives: 1. To study the age and sex prevalence of acute pancreatits.2.To study the various etiological factors of pancreatitis.3. To study the clinical presentation and outcome of pancreatitis.
Methodology: Patients admitted to the department of general medicine at KMC/MGM Hospital, Warangal were taken up for the study. Totally 100 patients of acute Pancreatitis were studied from august 2015 to august 2017.
Observations & Results: This is a prospective clinical study consisting of 100 cases of acute pancreatitis out of which 93 are male and 7 female patients. In our study 100% of the patients presented with pain abdomen, 92% with nausea/vomiting, 36% with abdominal distension, 24% with fever and 8% with jaundice. In our study 100% of the patients had tenderness, 4% had pseudocyst presenting as mass abdomen, 22% had ascites, and 12% of the patients presented in shock, 8% had haemetemesis. In our study alcoholism is the commonest aetiological factor which accounts for 76% followed by biliary cause in 16%.
Conclusion: There was a male preponderance with 93% of the total patients being males Patients in the 3rd decade were commonly affected. Alcohol is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis, found in 76% of the patients.
Keywords: acute pancreatitis, alcohol, gall stones.
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Corresponding Author
D Praveen Kumar
Resident General Medicine, KMC Warangal.
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