Background: The aim of our study was to know the effectiveness of Basic Life Support (BLS) &Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Workshop conducted at Rural Medical College, Loni.
Methods: Delegates interested for the 3-day workshop were given BLS & ACLS manuals a month prior to workshop and instructed to attempt pretest. Pretest result, post course result and feedbacks were analyzed and comparison was done between interns, PG, Faculties and Physiotherapy students.
Results: In our study most of the participants were PG students and MBBS interns. There was significant difference of pretest results between groups, similarly post course test results were also significantly different. Comparing pre and post course performance it was found that there was highly significant difference when cognitive domain was considered and also significant improvement in the psychomotor skills.
Conclusions: ACLS and BLS workshop was found to be highly effective in improvement of knowledge and skill of the participants in managing cardiac emergencies in spite of variety of participants.
Keywords: AHA, ACLS, MBBS interns, PG students, Workshop, effectiveness, Literature, Questionere design, audiovisual, megacode.
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