Background: Prevalence of birth clients with low birth weight tends to increase from year to year making the handling of infants with low birth weight needs an appropriate intervention including the treatment using the thermal protection step so that the babies can be saved.
Objective: The goal of this research is to know and analyze the effectiveness of horikobagasi method (thermal protection) on the time and body temperature of the baby
Methods: This study employed quantitative method with a quasi experiment using group pretest-posttest design with the statistic test of Mann Whitney .Population and sample of this research were forty baby born with body weight less than 2500 gram ingeneral hospital of Semarang Indonesia during September until November 2016.
Results: The research got p-value equal to 0.00 or <0. 05 indicating there is a significant difference of temperature change between the control group and the group given the treatment of horikosibagasi method (thermal protection). Furthermore, the influence of the mode of harikobagasion the body temperature is 0.01or < 0. 05 indicatingthere is a significant difference in body temperature rise between the treatment group and the control group.
Conclusion: Treatment with the method of horikosibagasi (thermal protection) is quite sufficient to increase body temperature in low birth weight infants although when compared with using an incubator, it takes longer time in reaching normal temperature.
Keywords: Horikosibagasi method, time, body temperature, low birth weight infants
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Tri Wiji Lestari
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