
Title: Epigenetic Modification of Ten Eleven Translocase Enzyme Mediated   Hydroxymethylcytosine in Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor for the Pathogenesis of Type II Diabetes Retinopathy

Authors: Rigved Tripathi, Sangeeta Singh, Pushpendra Kumar Namdeo, Archana Tiwari


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Epigenetic modulations play essential roles in diverse biological processes. During the past several years, DNA demethylationhas been discovered inembryonic and postnatal development. Although some potential functions of DNA methylation have been demonstrated already, many questions remain in terms of unveiling the role of5hmC; whether it serves either merely as an intermediate of DNA demethylation or as a stable epigeneticmarker.5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) is proved to be not merely serving as an intermediate of DNA demethylation, but also acts as a stable epigenetic marker. This review define how to control the gene expression and DNA Methylation in the CpGIsl and, The DNA Demethylation leads to convert the 5mc to 5hmc by the TeT protein and again the 5hmc transfer to 5fc by the TeT enzyme in the BDNF gene. This review show the method to analyze the DNA Methylation at the 5hmc region  for the BDNF gene and the fully mechanism  which show the demethylation from 5hmc to 5fc and the pathway of DNA Demethylation from cytosine to 5CaC (Carboxyl acetyl cytosine)

This review summarizes the current knowledge of the function of5hmC in brain and the focus on the Diabetes Retinopathy. The role of 5 hmc in the BDNF gene in Diabetes Retinopathy play important role and it might be helpful for therapeutic purpose.

Keywords-Epigenetic Modification, DNA Methylation,Brain Derived NeurotrophicFactor,TeT Protein.

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Rigved Tripathi

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