Internal iliac Artery [IIA] is one of the terminal Branches of the common iliac artery and is the artery of the pelvis. It supplies most of the Blood to the pelvicviscera, gluteal region, medial thigh region and perineum. The Internal iliac artery is known to show frequent variations starting from its origin up to termination. So it has attracted attention of Anatomists, pelvic surgeon, and interventional Radiologists. A, severe lethal complication during pelvic surgery is Arterial Bleeding. So the knowledge of variability of iliac artery is essential for surgeon. The present study was conducted to study of variation of arterial branching pattern of internal iliac artery.
Methods: 50 Adult human halves were procured from embalmed cadavers of raja muthiah medical college, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu. India for the study.
Results: The classification of Branching pattern internal iliac artery was based on modified Adachi classification. Out of 50 specimen studied
Type IA was found in 56% of the specimen
Type Ib was found in 12 %of The specimen
Type IIa was found in8% of The specimen
Type III was found in 20%of The specimen
Type IV a was found in4% ofThe specimen
Type IVb and Type V was not found in any of the specimens.
Conclusion: The Internal iliac artery shows Multiple morphological variations , So the knowledge is very helpful during pelvic surgeries.
Keywords: Internal iliac artery South indian population, Branching pattern.Variation.
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Corresponding Author
Junior Resident, Department of Anatomy,
Raja Muthiah Medical College Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India