Title: Biometric Evaluation of Hypermetropia – Our Study
Authors: Dr Prangya Panda, Dr Sangita Basantaroy, Dr Bijaya Kumar Sadangi
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.54
Hypermetropia is that form of refractive error in which parallel rays of light are brought to a focus some distance behind the sentinent layer of the retina when the eyeis at rest; the image formed here is therefore made up of circles of diffusion of considerable size, and is consequently blurred. Keratometry and ascan biometry was done to find out the correlation between various parameters of biometry findings and amount of hypermetropia
Keywords: Hypemetropia, facultative hypermetropia, biometry, keratometry, principal focus, a-scan, absolute hypermetropia, autorefractometer, accommodation, axial length.