Title: A Clinical Study of Panniculitides in a Tertiary Care Centre
Authors: Dr Madhavan Ramamoorthy M.D., (DVL), Dr Eswaramurthi Balasubramanian M.D., (DVL)
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.144
Background: The panniculitides comprise a heterogeneous group of inflammatory diseases involving the subcutaneous fat. Panniculitis are classified based on histopathological parameters and according to the location. They are further divided based on the presence or absence of vasculitis
Methodology: This is the prospective study conducted from april 2015 to oct 2016 in the Dept of dermatology, Coimbatore medical college hospital. Fifty three patients with clinical features of panniculitides were included in our study. of these, 17 cases were excluded from the study. Routine investigations and wherever needed special investigations were done.
Results: Out of 36 patients the commonest types were Erythema nodosum (12) and Erythema nodosum leprosum (6). Male to female ratio was 1.4:1. Most patients belonged to age group 21-50 yrs .our study showed septal panniculitis (33%) lobular(14%) mixed(28%) and panniculitis with vasculitis (25%)
Conclusion: Clinicopathological correlation is necessary for diagnosis and classification of panniculitis.