Title: Pathways to Psychiatric Care: A Hospital Based Study
Authors: Narayan R Mutalik, Khushboo Dewani, Shriniwas B Choudhari
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i4.138
Background: Neuropsychiatric disorders account for about 14 % of the global burden of disease.Many people living with mental disorders delay seeking psychiatric care from formal health facilities.This delay is there because of various factors. A lack of knowledge about psychiatric disorders remain major barrier to mental health care. An understanding of the way people seek care for mental disorders is important for planning mental health services, and referral from other sectors of health and social care. Keeping these in mind, this study was conducted to determine prior care seeking pathways of new patients reporting to psychiatry out-patient department.
Methodology: A descriptive study comprising of 50 subjects attending psychiatry de-addiction clinic in a private medical college in Bagalkot, Karnataka during 1st November2016 to 31st December 2016 was done after taking institutional ethical committee clearance. A World Health Organization (WHO) pathways to care proforma was used to determine the socio-demographic details of patients. Pathway prior to care taking and treatment were determined. Statistical analysis using appropriate statistical tests were used.
Results: Majority (36%) of patients first contacted medical practitioners, followed by psychiatrists and faith healers. Average delay of 44.14 months was found in reaching psychiatric services.
Conclusion: Creating awareness among general population could address cultural myths and stigma related to mental illnesses and thus help in improving treatment seeking behavior.