Background: Cerebral palsy is one of the most common disabilities affecting the children. The early detection and accurate investigations is the key for an early intervention to minimise the long lasting sequelae. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAEP) is a neurophysiologic technique used to assist in measuring hearing thresholds in infants at risk for hearing loss and to assess the brainstem auditory pathways. It records a series of potentials corresponding to the sequential activation of peripheral, pontomeduallary, pontine, and midbrain portions of the auditory pathways. BAEP if abnormal is found to be predictive of neurod evelopmental delay and abnormalities of hearing and language in pediatric population.
Aim: To study BAEP profile in cerebral palsy (CP) and look for any correlation with the severity and type of disease.
Materials and Methods: BAEP was perfomed in 21 children with CP in the age range of 1-2 after performing a detailed neurological evaluation.
Results: Though there were many abnormal cases of BAEP statistically significant change was not obtained with any variable. There was no correlation of BAEP with clinical severity also.
Conclusion: BAEP abnormalities are not consistent in children with CP. The abnormalities are not related to the severity of the disease also.
Key Words: Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential, Cerebral Palsy.
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