Title: Comparative Study of Pregnancy Outcome in Day 2 Embryo Transfer versus Day 5 Transfer
Authors: Col Prasad Lele, MS DNB, Col Manoj Kumar Tangri, MS, Dr (Brig) R K Sharma, VSM, MD, Brig Kishan Kapur, MD
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i3.114
Background: Improvements in culture systems and laboratory performance have resulted in the ability to culture, the human embryo to the blasto cyst stage. Therefore, the Assisted Reproductive Technology clinics are opting to blasto cyst transfer as transfer at this stage results in a significant increase in the implantation rate, leading to reduction in the number of embryos transferred. Therefore we carried out a Comparative Study of Pregnancy Outcome in Day 2 Embryo Transfer Versus Day 5 Transfer.
Methods: A randomized controlled study of 100 cases undergoing in-vitro fertilization was conducted wherein the first study group of 50 patients would undergo embryo transfer on day 2 and the second group of would undergo transfer on day 5.
Results: It was observed that day 2 embryo transfer led to a pregnancy rate of 36% which was similar to pregnancy rate of 38% when embryos were transferred on day 5.
Conclusions: Even though blasto cyst transfer entails more man hours, clinical embryology support and more equipment; the pregnancy rates are not significantly different from those achieved by day 2 embryo transfer. However day 5 embryo transfer would be the accepted norm in IVF cycles as we are moving towards single embryo transfer.
Keywords: embryo transfer, blasto cyst, in vitro fertilization.
Col Prasad Lele
Department of Obs & Gyn, CH (CC), Lucknow
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