Gastrocolic fistula is an abnormal communication or a fistulous passage connecting the stomach and the colon. Normally it can be an outcome of peptic ulcer disease, malignancy of gastrointestinal tract, granulomatous colitis or trauma1-4. Gastrocolic fistula following endoscopic cystogastrostomy is a rare occurrence. We present a case of 22 years old male who developed gastrocolic fistula following endoscopic cystogastrostomy. A brief case report and review of literature is presented.
Keywords: Pseudocyst, Endoscopy, Gastro-colic fistula.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Girish D. Bakhshi
Devneeti, Plot-61, Sector-7, Koper Khairane, Navi Mumbai-400709, Maharashtra, India
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