Title: Importance of Structured Stroke Education Programmes as a Family Therapy
Author: Dr S J B Bokhari
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i12.31
With the improved health care facilities and better availability of health services, the after stroke complications are on the decline in financially well to do patients. But lower income group patients who suffer an episode of Stroke are at increased risk of developing both physical and psychological disability due to various reasons. The association of physical and psychiatric disorders is well established by several studies. Government Nizamia General Hospital, Charminar, Hyderabad, is a referral hospital for the patients who opt for Unani System of Medicine. This paper is presented to highlight the importance of Structured Stroke Programmes to be taken up in the Govt. Nizamia General Hospital, Hyderabad. and at the community levels as a family therapy. Key Words: Stroke Education, Impact, Ma’ul Usl, Munzij,Tabreed,Mus’hil, Muqawwiyat, Family Therapy