
Volume 4 Issue 01 Jan 2016

Title: A Comparative Study of Effect of High Intensity Interval Training and Slow Continuous Training on the Aerobic performance in Adult Healthy Untrained Male Volunteers

Authors: Dr Vivekanand Upadhyay, Dr J S Sandhu


Title: Fructose-1, 6-diphosphatase Deficiency Presenting as Glycogen Storage Disease

Authors: Dr. Vrushali S. Joshi, Dr. Suresh D. Gangane, Dr. Murlidhar Mahajan


Title: Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Previous One Cesarean Pregnancies

Authors: Dr Siddesh Mahadev Iyer, Dr Varsha Ajay Hariani


Title: Haemodynamic Effects during Induction in Cervical Spine Injuries Patients: Comparison of Three Drug Dose Combinations of Ketamine and Propofol

Authors: Dr Ravinder Dhanerwa, Dr H. K.Mahajan, Dr Parshuram Chauhan


Title: High Resolution Computed Tomography in Interstitial Lung Diseases

Authors: Dr Santosh Sarudkar, Dr Sanjay Desai, Dr P K Lamghare


Title: A Spectrum of Morphological Variations in the human liver lobes and its Clinical importance; a Cadaveric Study

Authors: Dr S.Saritha, Dr Usha rani, Dr Gayatri, Dr Peter, Mrs Asra Anjum, Mrs Himabindu.N


Title: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Expression of Breast Milk among Mothers in Western Maharashtra

Authors: Priya Mohan Prabhu, Radhe B K, Jayashree Dayanad Naik, Tanuja Ravindra Brahmankar, Vivek Shivajirao Behere


Title: Antiphospholipid Syndrome In Pregnancy

Authors: Dr Arati Nayak, Dr Arata Kumar Swain, Dr Pradipta Kumar Patel, Dr Harekrusna Dalai


Title: ECG Signal Conditioning

Author: Ms Pushpa Gothwal


Title: Red Cell Parameters in G6PD Deficient Individuals during Normal Steady State

Authors: Hetal Patel, Poonam Savalani, Hiren Dhanani, Ramesh Z Patel, Sanmukh R Joshi


Title: Takayasu Arteritis and PRES Syndrome - A Rare Case Series

Authors: Dr Ritu Gupta, Dr Sandeep Singh, Dr Tarunendra Kumar Mishra, Dr Ishan Verma


Title: Posterior Urethral Valve in Twins – A Case Report

Authors: Dr Muhammed Shareef Thenath, Dr Iainehskhem Lyngdoh Mawphlang, Prof Kh. Ibochouba Singh, Dr Sunilbala K, Dr Kumar Shantnu, Dr Nini Kadu, Dr Anto Ferdine Vaik. P


Title: A Retrospective Study of Fungal Keratitis in VIMS, Bellary

Authors: K. Ram mohan Reddy, Sangeetha C Patil, Shafiyabi S, Krishna S


Title: Neurofibroma Arising In the Parotid Gland- A Rare Case Report

Authors: Shagufta Qadri, Divya Rabindranath, Azka Anees Khan, Senthil P.


Title: Calcifying Aponeurotic Fibroma:  Rare Case

Authors: Dr Shweta Khandelwal, Dr Lalit Kishore, Dr Shivaji  H Vidyarthi, Dr Pooja Guru


Title: Endoscopic Treatment of Chronic Venous Insufficiency by Interrupting Below Knee Perforating Veins:  A Prospective Study

Authors: Dr Jitendra Kumar Kushwaha, Prof Abhinav Arun Sonkar, Dr Kul Ranjan Singh, Dr Akshay Anand


Title: Stress Hyperglycemia as a Prognostic Indicator in Non-Diabetic ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients

Authors:Dr Mohamed Fathy, Prof Yehia Ghanem , Prof Mohamed Sadaka,  Prof Azza Abd El-Karim


Title: Evaluation of Lipid Profile in Type-II Diabetes Mellitus with Obesity

Authors: Dr Preeti Gupta, MBBS, MD, Dr Sanjiv Gupta, MBBS, MD


Title: Relationship between Hyperuricemia, Hyperglycemia and Elevated Triglyceride Levels in Cardiometabolic Disorder

Authors: Neha Sharma, Rajkumari Rathore, Dr Purnima Dey Sarkar, Dr Anil Bidwai


Title: Comparative Study between Serum and Salivary Cortisol Levels to Assess Adrenal Cortisol Insufficiency in Patients with Cirrhosis

Authors: Amr A.bdel Moety, Amal R.Mansour, Eman Zaki Azzam, Rehab Ali Elsayed


Title: Effects of Intraperitoneal Instillation of Local Anesthetic Agents in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy –A Clinical Comparison Between 0.5% Lignocaine, 0.2% Ropivacaine & 0.125%Bupivacaine

Authors: Pacharla Indira, Rajola Raghu,  Anepu Kiran Kumar


Title: A Study on Variations of Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle with Its Embryological Basis and Clinical Significance

Authors: Dr Gopal Bagal, Dr Savita Takale


Title: Atheroembolic Renal Disease (AERD)

Authors: Lakshminarayana GR, Sheetal LG, Seethalekshmy NV, Anil M, Rajesh R, George K, Unni VN


Title: A Study of Hepatic Involvement in HIV Positive Patients

Authors: Dr Kavita Krishna, Dr Nitin Gadkari, Dr Vivek Doshi, Dr Arundhati Diwan,  Dr Aniket Oswal, Dr Apoorva Saoji


Title: Cytogenetic Study in Couples with Primary Infertility

Authors: Dr Rakhi More, Dr Shabana Borate, Dr S.D.Gangane


Title: Retrospective Study to Compare the Usefulness, Efficacy and End result of SICS with Rigid IOL, over Clear Corneal Phacoemulsification with Foldable Lens Implantation

Author: Dr K.M Suresh, MBBS, MS (OPH)


Title: Protective effect of Apple Cider Vinegar on Stress Induced Gastric Ulcer

Authors: Hader Ibrahim Sakr, Mohamed Mansour Khalifa, Mohamed Al Sayed Saleh, Laila Ahmed Rashed, Akef Abdel Halim Khowiled


Title: Clinical and Immunological Profile of Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy

Authors: Dr Harshal Bhitkar, Dr Meenakshi Bhattacharya, Dr Suhas Bendrikar, Dr Shaikh


Title: New Onset Diabetes after Renal Transplantation (NODAT): Prevalence, Risk Factors and Treatment

Authors: Lakshminarayana GR, Sheetal LG, Anil M, Rajesh R, George K, Unni VN


Title: Congenitally Fused Kidney Mal-Positioned In the Sacral Region

Authors: Dr Mohd Asrarul Haque, Dr Mohammad Mojahid Anwar, Dr Faiz Ahmad, Dr Munawwar Husain, Dr Jawed A Usmani, Dr Baitullah


Title: Study on Cystatin C as an Early Biomarker of Nephropathy in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes

Authors: Dr Sanjiv Kumar, Dr Mohd Shafat Imam Siddiqui, Dr Nikhil Sinha


Title: Typical and Atypical manifestation of Dengue Fever: A Prospective Observational Study

Authors: Kumar Rajesh, Rajak M., Bhattiprolu K Rahi


Title: Hydroxychloroquine Induced Toxicity Presenting As Bulls Eye Maculopathy: A Case Report

Authors: Jitesh Jeswani, P.K. Deshpande, S.A. Deoke, R. Khirsagar


Title: Caregivers Need Care Too –Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Nursing Staff

Authors: Dr Arnab Sinha, Dr Amit Chaitanya, Dr Wasim Ahmed, Dr Ritesh Runu, Dr Santosh Kumar


Title: Rosai Dorfmans Disease: A Rare Benign Disease of Breast

Authors: Dr Akash Kumar Singh, Dr Preeti Jain, Dr Pallavi Agrawal


Title: Therapeutic Efficacy of Certain Unani Drugs in the Treatment of Chronic Rhino Sinusitis

Author: Dr S J B Bokhari


Title: Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) in Healthy Kidney Donors

Authors: Sheetal LG, Lakshminarayana GR, Anil M, Rajesh R, George K, Unni VN


Title: Primary Retroperitoneal Mass­---­­ A CT Overview with FNAC /Histopathological Correlation­­

Author: Dr Krishna Kumar Borah, Dr Arjun Prakash, Dr Aditi Sarma


Title: Role of Hemoperfusion in Phenytoin Poisoning

Authors: Dr Nilesh Bastewad, Dr Deelip Kadam, Dr Pramod Umarji, Dr Harshal Bhitkar, Dr Nilesh Palasdeokar


Title: Hysteroscopic Evaluation of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding- Vaginoscopic Approach

Authors: Major (Dr) Rahul Mahajan, Colonel (Dr) Prasad Lele, Brigadier (Dr) Manash Biswas


Title: Omental Infarction: A Broad View

Authors: Dr Praveen G P, Dr Krishna Prasad K, Dr Amal Abraham, Dr Munireddy


Title: Thyroid Status and Serum Protein Levels in Severe and Moderate Acute Malnourished Children

Authors: Dr S.K.Valinjkar, Dr N R Sutay, Dr Prachi, Dr Vikas


Call For Paper Volume 13 Issue 03 March 2025

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