Title: Unusual Causes of Large Bowel Perforation – A Report of Three Cases
Authors: Govindappa Saroja Murali, Shubhakar Bhandary
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.11
Large bowel perforations are commonly caused due to malignancy and inflammatory disorders. Large bowel perforations due to causes like stercoral perforation, idiopathic perforation and spontaneous perforation associated with rectal prolapse are very rare. Though uncommonly seen, these perforations are managed clinically in a similar way as perforations due to other causes with differences in managing the underlying condition. The type of surgical intervention required depends on a variety of factors like the duration, amount of fecal contamination, patient’s general condition and the underlying pathology. We report such three cases of very rare causes of perforation of large bowel with review of literature.