Title: A Clinical study on Benign Breast Diseases
Authors: Dr Jayavarmaa. R, Dr J. Kabalimurthy, Dr C. P. Mohan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i10.127
Background: The need for study is to analyze the spectrum of benign breast disease with respect to age, sex, mode of presentation, clinical features and management.
Methods: The study was conducted among 150 patients who were diagnosed to have various forms of Breast Diseases that are found to be benign in nature and admitted at Rajah Muthiah Medical College Hospital, Chidambaram from October 2016 to September 2018. Diagnosis is made by doing careful clinical assessment, FNAC or core biopsy and ultrasonography or mammography. Surgery was done whenever necessary. The incidence of variable benign breast diseases and clinical features were compared and evaluated.
Results: Out of the 150 patients who were studied, 142 patients who presented with breast lumps and fibroadenoma, accounted for 60% of the cases, which was the highest number of patients. Fibroadenosis accounted 19.3% of the cases. Fibrocystic changes and breast abscesses made 1.3% and 4.6% cases respectively. Most patients presented with complaints of a lump in the breast (56%), pain (16%), or a combination of both (38.6%).82 patients had a right sided lesion and 48 has left side lesion. Bilateral disease was present in 20 patients. The upper outer quadrant was more involved and lower medial quadrants were least commonly affected. Of 90 cases of fibroadenoma, 86 were operated upon by excision. 15 patients with fibroadenosis, where the diagnosis was doubtful were operated.
Conclusion: Benign breast diseases are common in female patients and fibroadenoma is the commonest of them all. Triple assessment gave a firm diagnosis and it eliminates unnecessary anxiety from the patients about breast cancer or any other serious illness.
Keywords: Breast lump, Fibroadenoma, Fibroadenosis, Fibrocystic disease, Breast abscess, FNAC, Mammogram.