Title: The Unexplored Relationship between Diet & Mental Health: A Review
Authors: Preeti Khanna, Dr Bani T. Aeri
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i2.79
Background: In order to understand eating behaviour of adolescents, insight into determinants of intake is necessary. Research has shown that anxiety and depression are associated with an increased risk for diabetes type 2, partly through their association with obesity and the metabolic syndrome, whereas both behavioral and biological mechanisms mediate such relations. Findings from existing research suggest that a more comprehensive approach to children & adolescents with obesity may provide novel methods of obesity management. Methods: RelevantPapers were identified from PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, NCBI & Medline by using all combinations of the search terms: "mental health, dietary intake, eating disorders, obesity, underweight or adolescents & children". Research studies examining the relationship between mental health & food intake among children & adolescents were included in the review process. Based on inclusion - exclusion criteria full text papers were reviewed. Results:A number of behavioral and emotional parameters connect obesity to anxiety and depressionin children. Similarly to adults, children sufferingfrom anxiety and/or depression aretypically characterized by poor adherence toself-care activities, by sedentary habits and lackof physical exercise, excessive television and internetviewing and disturbed eating behaviors,such as emotional eating and consumption ofcomfort foods. The association between diet and depression has previously mainly been studied in cross sectional studies, and only few prospective studies have been published. The evidence suggests that folate and long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may be connected to the decreased risk of depression. Furthermore, only few studies have concentrated on the association between general dietary patterns and depression. Conclusion:Dietary intake may also have a direct impact on various biological systems and mechanisms that underpin depression, including oxidative processes, the functioning of the immune system, and levels of salient brain proteins. While considering the role of diet & depression, several points need to be considered. First, in general, evidence has been found for the effects of isolated nutrients or foods, and not for dietary patterns. Second, most previous studies have a cross-sectional design. Third, information is generally collected though questionnaires, increasing the risk of misclassification bias. Fourth, adequate control of confounding factors in observational studies is mandatory. Keywords- Mental Health, Eating Disorders, Food intake, Adolescents & children, Obesity & Underweight.
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