Title: A Rare Case of Sirenomelia or Mermaid Syndrome in A Dizygotic Diamniotic Twin Pregnancy
Authors: Dr Manisha Chauhan, Dr Saurabh Tomar
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i3.19
Sirenomelia is a rare congenital anomaly, not compatible with life, characterised by roatation and fusion of legs, which appears like fish tail, giving its common name'' mermaid syndrome''. genitourinary and gastrointestinal anomalies are frequently associated with it. very few cases are reported worldwide. We found a case in a dizygotic, diamniotic pregnancy with fusion of lower limbs. There were no external genitals and anal opening. Etiology of this syndrome remains unclear, however many hypothesis have been proposed mainly vascular steal phenomenon. Maternal diabetes mellitus and genetic factors are also associated. Diagnosis at early pregnancy by ultrasonography is possible and need careful attention so that termination of pregnacy can be done safely.