Title: Presence of Cholesterol Clefts in Chronic tonsillitis
Authors: Sujatha Nagari, Bharath CH. NV, Swayam Jothi S, Mani Maran D, Hemanth Kommuru
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i6.35
In the tonsils, as in the paranasal air sinuses and middle ear, cholesterol ester crystals with foreign body giant cell reaction may result from a focal haemorrhage. Some authorities suggest that cholesterol clefts accumulate in the tissues as a result of degeneration and disintegration of epithelial cells. On the other hand, some authors have suggested circulating plasma lipids as a more likely source, as cholesterol clefts are common in atherosclerotic plaques. In our study 7 cases showed cholesterol clefts, but the significance of cholesterol clefts of tonsils is unknown. Key words: Cholesterol Clefts, Chronic tonsillitis, Giant cells