Title: Food Preservative Induced Methemoglobinemia: A Case Report
Authors: Deepak Warkade, Ishan Verma, Sanjay K Nema, Shubha Singhai
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i6.28
Diseases caused by food preservatives is an underrated area of study. Acquired methemoglobinemia is one such rare disease caused by nitrates. We here present one such case which presented after eating chinese food. As the presentation mimiced many other diseases, a thorough history and knowledge of methemoglobinemia helped us in reaching a diagnosis. Slightest delay in diagnosis and management could be fatal for the patient. Growing demand for chinese food is promoting unchecked use of food preservatives by many food vendors.
Reporting of such cases is an appeal to health administration to keep a check on use of food preservatives.
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Corresponding Author
Deepak Warkade
MD Medicine, Consultant physician
Shalby Hospital, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India