Title: Spectrum of Mandibular Fractures in Motor Vehicle Accidents: MDCT Evaluation
Authors: Dr Srinivas MR, Dr Vijay Kumar KR, Dr Vedaraju KS
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.54
Background: Mandibular fractures consist of significant number of facial fractures, especially in cases of Motor vehicle accidents. MDCT plays a major role in determining the presence/ absence of fracture, gives accurate information of displacement and associated soft tissue injury and thin section and multiplanar reconstructions help in better evaluation of the fracture. This study describes the age and gender predilection and site of fracture with some clinical and treatment relevance.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective and prospective study was conducted in the department of radio-diagnosis, Bangalore Medical college and research institute for over a period of 1 year, from November 2014- October 2015 which included 98 cases of mandibular fracture by using multidetector computed tomography (MDCT). Cases were divided and assessed based on age, gender predominance, unifocal/ multiplicity, site of fracture and associated facial fractures.
Results: Of the 98 cases, male constituted 88% and remaining 12% were females. Most common age group was between 21-30 years. Most cases had multifocal fractures and the most common site of injury was condylar process (32%).
Conclusion: Road traffic accidents are very common in metropolitan cities like Bangalore and facial injuries with mandibular fractures constitute a significant number. Young and middle aged males are more prone for injury because of increased habit of risk taking and more exposure to risk. MDCT plays a major role in evaluation of patients with facial and mandibular trauma. It not only gives information about site and displacement of the fracture; but also helps in detection of adjacent soft tissue injury and airway.
Keywords: Multidetector computed tomography, fractures, mandible, zygomatic fractures.