Title: Complete Penoscrotal Transposition- A case Report
Authors: S.Bhagat, S.Nisa, Braja Behari Panda, Bararuchi Dash, V.Goguldeep, Soumya Ranjan Nayak, Keshaba Panigrahy, Subhasish Panda
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.30

Penoscrotal transposition is where malposition of penis occur in relation to scrotum. It is frequently associated with malformation of genitourinary, cardiovascular or skeletal system. We report a rare case of complete penoscrotal transposition with normal scrotum, micropenis, meatal stenosis with obstructive uropathy, b/l dysplastic kidneys with b/l hydroureter.
Keywords: Penoscrotal transposition, genitourinary anomalies.
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V. Goguldeep
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